The Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) is a group open to all women. We meet the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at church. We enjoy guest speakers, book discussions, movie nights, and Bible study. We provide volunteer and financial support for many St Paul ministries as well as local and world organizations. Our largest event is our annual Christmas Mini-Dinner (40+ years). It is a fun night of fellowship – beginning with a Social Hour, followed by a meal that is cooked and served by the Men’s group, and ends with Christmas entertainment and song.

We meet monthly on the 1st Thursday at 7:00 pm at church. We use contemporary studies as we explore and discuss people and the lessons of the Bible. We enjoy each other’s company as we study the Scripture and relate it to our own lives, while eating snacks and dessert. Our goal is growing faith and friendship.

We meet in a small group on a monthly basis to study the Bible. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday at 9:30 am, usually at a member’s home. We use the ELCA Bible Study (Gather) to foster our discussions. We enjoy our different interpretations of our study over coffee and dessert. All women are welcome.

The first and third Monday mornings at St. Paul are busy ones as our quilters work hard to assemble quilts. These blankets are gathered together and sent to Lutheran World Relief every October. During the fall, the work of their hands is displayed in the church for all to see. God’s love wraps around everyone who receives the gifts they make.