Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church in Peoria, Illinois! We are a member of the ELCA and a Reconciled in Christ congregation. We are so glad that you are here and we hope that you can find what you are searching for. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can find our Contact Information Here! We sincerely hope we get an opportunity to meet you! We pray that you know that you matter to God and to Us!
meet our pastor

Pastor Lisa Dietrich
Pastor Lisa began serving at St. Paul in the spring of 2022. She was ordained at Wartburg Theological Seminary and has over 25 years of ordained ministry. Pastor has served both city and rural congregations serving in Iowa City, Davenport and rural Cedar Falls all in Iowa. She and her husband Scott have a large family boasting 17 grandchildren! Pastor’s focus on ministry is that ALL are welcome and there is always room to LOVE more! Pastor’s background in theatre, art and music (including graduate work in theatre directing) means her sermons will always entertain, inform, and/or tug at your heart strings. Come to St. Paul and prepare to laugh, cry, be welcomed and to be loved just as you are!
St. Paul Lutheran Church is the oldest Lutheran Church in Peoria, Illinois and is over 170 years old. St. Paul is not a church that is stuck in the past, but is a church of people who are both saints and sinners with a passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a heart for mission and making the world a better place.
This is a congregation that truly welcomes all people no matter who you love, the color of your skin, or the amount of money in your pocket!
Worship is blended in style with an excellent praise band in which three of the members also perform professionally throughout the city and an accomplished organist! Our services are live streamed and recorded onto YouTube! Pastor Lisa’s sermons are creative, memorable, down to earth, and theologically sound. More than one person has been heard saying, “you won’t fall asleep during her sermons!”
St. Paul strives to make the world a better place by providing a Free Clothing Closet, a Free Little Food Pantry, serves breakfast every Saturday at the East Bluff Mission, and is involved with Pride Fest.
St. Paul is a place that all people are welcomed no matter your age or your family make up! We want all of God’s children, no matter their age, to feel welcomed and part of our faith community! You are invited to be as involved in congregational life as you are comfortable. At St. Paul you will always be warmly welcomed whether this is your first time in a church or you are a life long worshipper. At St. Paul there is always room to “love more”!